Smartphone solutions
for a safer journey

SPARK solutions are made to increase road safety within your app or organization. Our SDK features or white-label app empower your business with an easy-to-set-up solution for those you care about: accident detection, dangerous curves warning, and more.

They trust us

Logo Cooltra
Logo Allianz
Logo Flashbird by Pegase
Logo Caisse d'Epargne
Logo In&Motion

Accident Detection,

Emergency Response

Activity Recognition

for a seamless usage

Dangerous Bends Alerts

for accident prevention

Scoring & Evaluation

of driving behavior

Our Solution

Our solutions secure all
types of mobility

Emergency call on a smartphone with an SOS button

Accident detection &
Emergency response

8 years of research and over 1.4 billion km of experience through our umbrella brand, Liberty Rider, make SPARK the most accurate accident detection algorithm for smartphone devices. Whether you drive motorcycles, trucks, scooters or cars, our SDK and white-label application will start an accident procedure on the user’s device, as soon as an accident occurs, backed by our professional E-call platform.

Between 2016 and 2024, we helped with over 25,000 road accidents. More than 1,000 lives were thus estimated saved, based on post-accident surveys.

Activity recognition and
automatic app launch

The main challenge in driver protection is making sure they’ll never forget to launch the app and activate accident detection. SPARK helps Product and Tech teams with this, providing a fully packaged system that allows your app to be woken up and run all the protection services.

An app that protects users with a shield button

Dangerous Bends

40% of accidents occur on bends. The Dangerous Bends Alert feature, prepackaged by SPARK compares the users’ approach speed, with the bend’s shape and sends an alert if the two are not compatible.

Over the past 4 years of development, we estimate around 8,700 accidents being avoided thanks to our technology.

A road with a dangerous bend warning, to avoid accidents
Driving scores on the dashboard of an insurance company or a user feature

Scoring & evaluation of driving performance

Our algorithms are designed to detect accidents and can identify any driver’s behavior that impacts their safety such as heavy acceleration or braking, taking the phone in hands, or external aspects based on real behavioral data.

SPARK’s scoring solution is here to help your mobility business rely on behavioral data.


Why our smartphone-based solution is ideal for safety

Nothing is more effective and simpler to set up

Almost EVERYONE has a smartphone.

Your mobility solution can then be deployed on any target without complex installation or expensive hardware.

Our packages were designed by our Product Managers and Tech teams to be easily plugged in your app, or in an app we can build for you!

And to make sure we’ve made it right, we’ve decided to eat our own dog food, with our famous motorbike application: Liberty Rider.

This will ensure you’ll always have an up-to-date service, rigorously following the OS requirements and constraints.

Simple distribution - Mobile data reliability - Ease of use - Easy to update
Millions of trips secured, excellent reliability, thousands of accidents detected and lives saved

Solution performance and stability

Numbers speak by themselves.

Our solution is trusted by more than 12 insurance companies and is backed by IMA Group for emergency response and assistance.

In the past 8 years, we were happy to be involved in saving more than 1,000 lives. But also, we had a role in reinsuring 25,000 people in bad and lonely situations.


An app that records trips, analyses driving behavior, and protects the user


Customized offers to suit your

I already have an app

We have designed a Self Development Kit (SDK) for every feature, which can be integrated directly into your app. Each kit is a ready-to-use system your developers can run in a matter of days.


  • Offer your users a prevention and security service
  • Provide a complete experience
  • Motivate daily usage

Integrated SDK solutions on all features

We assist in building community

Customer support

I don't have any app

We can build your dedicated white label application, with off-the-shelf features and more, to provide your customers, partners, employees… with a complete and pleasant experience.

White or gray mark application

We assist in building community

Customer support

Tailored app on demand

An IMA operator assisting a driver during an emergency

IMA talks about Safe Predict

Start listening

Contact Us

Let’s meet and find the best solution for your business.